Is October over already? I can't believe it. The kids had a happy H
alloween. Levi was Batman, Benjamin was Robin and Eden Rose was
Cat woman. We had Trunk or Treat at church on Friday the 29
th, went to Broadway at the Beach for trick or treating on Saturday the 30
th and then did trick or treating here in our neighborhood on H
alloween night. There is plenty of candy here at my house. My mom came to visit for the long weekend. I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed the day after H
alloween and was thankful to have her here to help me and Jeff with the kids that day. I haven't had any candy for two whole days!! I hope all the good stuff is gone by the time I feel like eating again. Life hasn't changed much for us lately. I call that a good thing. I am registered for four classes starting in January to continue my nursing degree. I know that starting in January 2011 it will be busy enough around here. I am blessed to have a very supportive husband, who is behind me all the way. He understands, as well as I do, that it is going to be a sacrifice for the whole family and is ready and willing to do more than his share. Until then, we will enjoy the upcoming holidays and the regular routines that we have for now. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!