It's actually towards the end of the first month of the new year! How time does fly. This new year has brought many things our way. Jeff and I celebrated our 12th anniversary this month. It does not seem like 12 years have come and gone, but they have. We took some time to remember Ava this month as well. She would have turned 5 years old. My heart will never be whole without her. But she helped our family focus on what is important in our lives and she will always be a very important influence on our family. We can't wait for that day that we will hold her again. Levi, Ben and Ede continue growing and bringing us continual joy and laughter in our home.
I have started back to college. I am taking Spanish, Statistics, and American History. I can say one thing.......MY HUSBAND ROCKS!!! If it wasn't for him I could not/would not be able to do it. He helps me study, makes sure that some house work gets done on his day off from work and even lets me get out of the house by myself.
As the days tick on and on I am reminded, daily, of how blessed I am. Of how little I can do on my own, but that I am not alone. When I get tired, sad or afraid I know that what ever I need is in my reach. I have all that I need to succeed!