Monday, June 22, 2009

At the Beach

We took Ben and Ede to the beach and were reminded why we hardly ever go. It is so much work to take two babies to the ocean. It wears them out so fast and there is so much cleaning up to do and many tears are shed before you can put them down for their desperately needed nap. Next time we will just go to the pool. They are just too cute in their bathing suits to avoid the water! Ede gets a tan so fast......I'm jealous. Benjamin is like me. He burns first. So it's 50 Sunblock for us, for sure. We are missing Levi and when he gets home it is to the water park we go!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Eden's First Birthday!

Happy Birthday Eden Rose! We went to Gaffney to be with family and friends and celebrate Eden's first birthday. We had a wonderful time visiting the people we love. We had Ede's party at Thompson Park where 32 of our loved ones showed up. It was so nice to be home. Too bad Ede would not let anyone hold her, she got heavy really fast. We are still waiting for her to start walking. She is trying really hard to talk though. She can say about 5 different words and a LOT of baby talk. She can still out eat Benjamin any day. We are enjoying watching her grow up. As I have said before, each of our children bring something very special to our family and Ede is no exception to that. She loves to laugh and has proven to be able to hold her own with her older brothers. Can't believe time goes so fast. I guess that's why we take pictures!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Pictures of my growing kids!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. Levi had his last day of Kindergarten today and is more than prepared to enter First Grade next school year. His report card shows that he "exceeds expectations" in both reading and math. Benjamin is into the snack drawer every chance he gets. You never catch him getting into it, you only find empty boxes of raisins all around the house. Eden is still not taking any steps on her own. She has started "roaming" around the coffee table. She stays on her tip toes. It is so girly and cute! :) I have started a Facebook account and have been neglecting my blog. I will try to do better. Summer has started and we can't wait to get into the water! Hope you enjoy the new pictures.