Saturday, December 17, 2011

Guess what we did today.......

We went to a Town Hall with Mitt Romney! So I found out the night before that Mitt Romney was holding a Town Hall at the college campus near Levi's school. I wanted to go but could not find a last minute baby-sitter for my kids. Levi also wanted to go. I decided to brave the elements and take all 3 kids with me. We started at the back of a much smaller room than I had envisioned. Once they opened up the floor to questions, I actually knew one of the guys holding one of the microphones, I pressed my way forward with the kids to ask my question....."With the two political parties being so diametrically opposed in their views of the roll of government.....How would you compromise while standing firm on the principle of small government?" He gave a good but political answer. :o) When he was finished I pressed my way thru the crowd with the kids. Mitt signed my pocket Constitution and took a second to chat with me and take a picture with Levi. He asked Benjamin to join them but Ben did not want to go. I had to bribe Levi for the picture in the first place. When I told him I would pay him $5 he tried to up the anny to $11 after the picture was taken. And as he walked away from taking the picture "You owe me money!" He hasn't actually held me to it yet. I pointed out that he just took a picture with someone who might be the next President of the United States. Hopefully that will satisfy him. I hope they will all remember this experience for the rest of their lives.....I will.

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