Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ava Kaye Blanton

January 7, 2006
To my first baby girl:
  I have accepted that some questions will not be answered for me in my life, here on earth.  I have accepted that my family appears smaller to everyone than it really is.  I have accepted that I will have to wait to hold you again.  I have accepted that there will be constant reminders of you not here with me.  I have accepted that my life did not end with yours.  And until my time here on earth is done, you should know that I think of you always, I speak of you often, and I will love you forever.

1 comment:

Shawna and Family said...

I've been thinking of you and your sweet Ava, as I always do this time of year. Hugs to you my friend. What a glorious reunion you have to look forward to...