Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pathetic, or What?

No pictures this time. Sorry, grandparents. I just wanted to post some new information. Since Jeff and I moved to Surfside Beach we barely get to go out on dates anymore. We have been out only about five times in three years. Thanks to my mom and Manfred when they come to visit. Thanks also to Greg and Brenda, we were able to go out about a month ago. We went to Outback and as we talked over dinner we realized that it had been three years since we had even eaten at Outback. Last night we decided to get a babysitter and go out for dinner and a movie. For all who may worry about who is watching our kids.... her name is Emilee. Emilee is a member of our church. She is 17 years old and did a wonderful job with all three of our precious little darlings. Now, back to my story. So we went to eat at Red Lobster and while we were talking over dinner we realize that it has been over six years since we have eaten at Red Lobster! As a matter of fact, it was the night before I delivered Levi, so that makes it August 5th, 2002. Now considering that there are thousands of restaurants out there, this is not so outrageous but take into consideration how many times we frequent places like McDonalds and Papa Johns. We have had McDonalds probably twice in the last month and pizza twice as well. We have officially fallen into the Parent Trap!
The moral of the story....get a babysitter and go have adult conversation over an adult meal! The food and the company is GREAT!

1 comment:

Cynthia and Bryan said...

We are in the same boat !! We have figured out a babysitting schedule with our we go out once or twice a month it is great. Call me when you get a chance.